If You Start Seeing These Vending Machines In Your Neighborhood, It’s Time To Pack Up And Move

On Long Island, New York, not too far east from Brooklyn and Queens, criminals are installing horrible vending machines that promise the destroy the local communities. These vending machines, which sell crack pipes, are placed illegally in public. Police have confirmed that the machines were originally designed to sell tampons but were refurbished to distribute crack pipes to the public, everyone from drug addicts to curious children.

Thankfully, police have removed three crack pipe vending machines from Long Island and saved the people from easy access to the dangerous drug paraphernalia.

Suffolk County has had a long history of drug abuse. Their police department is hard at work battle drug-related problems, but they don’t seem to ever make as much of an impact as they’d like. It is frustrating. As they fix one problem, criminals think of something new, like these refurbished tampon dispensers outfitted to sell crack pipes.

The vending machines, which sell “Sketch Pens,” are an outrage to the public. The criminals are charging two dollars per ceramic tube.

Police do not know who installed the vending machines. They could have been put in place by drug dealers. Or an unsavory entrepreneur could have spotted a gap in the market and installed them on street corners illegally without proper permits.

The vending machines pop out a ceramic “pen” that includes a filter and makes it easy for users to smoke the dangerous and addictive drug.

The Suffolk County Police Department desperately wants to get to the bottom of this crazy problem. They are investigating who could have installed these in public bathrooms.

“At first we were like, ‘Could this be a joke?’ But then we saw how intricate it was and realized it wasn’t a joke,” Michael Loguercio, a councilman for Brookhaven Town District 4, said in an interview to The New York Post.

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